Bassets have long long ears that get into a lot of stuff. They get into the water bowl when they drink and into the food bowl when they eat. They drag along the wet grass and they get chewed by your friends when you are
We use snoods, or hoodies as I call them, to keep them out of food bowls. Otherwise I would be cleaning ears two or three times a day. For some reason, Chloe's ears don't get into her food. It must be the way they are shaped and the way her bowl just keeps them out of the food. But the boys! Oye!
When we first got DiNozzo I bought a snood from Howlin' Hounds, a basset rescue located in Lafayette, LA. She makes a lot of doggy stuff and sells them to keep the money rolling in for the rescues she houses. It had pirates! :-)
But when we got McGee the following year, DiNozzo had outgrown the pirates and they got passed down to McGee. :-)
And one day..........he ate the pirates. :-(
I made two more, but when grand dog Hugeaux, who is a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel with some LONG FLUFFY EARS comes he needs one more.
He is really scared of fireworks or when his daddy shoots the guns, so he comes and stays in the safety of his grandma's house.
And so, today, on the day of the eyes, I made Hugeaux one for his ears!
Now if he just had earmuffs for the fireworks tonight!
They act like the snood is as bad as the cone of